
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Gays in the Military :: Gay Military Government Laws Essays Homosexual

very(prenominal) often political institutions reflect the will of society and set the source for norms that will be expected of its members. The United StatesMilitary is still enforcing obsolete policies which threaten to harm theprinciples our nation was founded upon. The principles of freedom and equalityare those that all(prenominal) American holds closest to their heart, that is unless youare in the military and are gay. The paying back of gays in the military has developedinto a case of whether our country should secern against a concourse merelybecause of involuntary sexual orientation. Two pertinacious principles are evidentwithin this topic that homos are ever pass on throughout all branches ofthe military and a persistent hostility against this group is in Americansociety and the military. In order to effectively ensure this topic thefollowing concepts will be discussed an analysis of the current subdivision Of confession policy concerning gays, solutions to redu ce homophobia in the military,a policy set concerning homosexuals in the military ( Lepicer 1-14 ).Prior to the arrival of the Clinton brass with its agenda toradically revise military policy regarding the acceptance and treatment ofhomosexuals, Department of Defense policy was well established and clear. Legalquestions began to be raised in civilian courts challenging the militaryexclusion and discharge policies in the 1960s and 1970s. The work wereforced to explain and clearly justify specific limits and procedures used inrelation to dish members claiming to be homosexual or convicted of such(prenominal)behavior. During the Carter Administration a clear policy was signed into law.It readsHomosexuality is incompatible with military service. The presencein the military environment of persons who quest for in homosexualconduct or who, by their statements, demonstrate a propensity toengage in such conduct, seriously impairs the accomplishment ofthe military mission. The presence of such members adverselyaffects the ability of the Military Services to maintain discipline,good order, and esprit de corps to foster mutual trust and confidenceamong service members to ensure the legality of the system ofrank and command to facilitate assignment and worldwide deploymentof service members who frequently must live and work under closeconditions affording borderline privacy to recruit and retain membersof the Military Services to maintain the humanity acceptability ofmilitary service and to prevent breaches of security ( Lepicer ).Everyone agrees that gays were already in the military, but gays want toserve their country out of the closet. This concept play off the gay communityagainst the traditionalists who want to keep them out. The result is a compromise Dont ask / Dont Tell policy which prevents recruiters from

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