
Saturday, August 31, 2019

America’s First Ladies

The Intrigues and Witticism of America's First Ladles Introduction According to many Americans, First Ladies usually play the normal roles of wives to their husbands, doing the regular activities that wives are supposed to do for their husbands. Such activities, of course, do not include the usual house chores such as doing the laundry and scrubbing the bathroom. These are left for their trusted maid servants. Apart from ensuring that the President's suits have been nicely pressed, the First Lady will also be expected to accompany her husband during certain state functions of which she is required to.However, as Bill Alder reveals, the White House Is not Just a place to sit back, relax, watch TV and Walt for Mr.. President to come back home from a busy day. There are a few secret activities that go on inside and outside the chambers of the White House which would raise a few eyebrows when revealed. The following is a review of the book America's First Ladles: Their uncommon Wisdom fr om Martha Washington to Laura Bush by Bill Alder. It takes a deeper look into how these ladies are perceived by Alder and his personal opinions on their witticism and amusing undertakings in the White House.The following Is an Insight of some of Hess ladies' lives. Mary Todd Lincoln In the book, Alder pits the wife of Abraham Lincoln as a big spender. When her husband was vying for the top seat In the country, Mary Todd once whispered to a friend of hers that if Abraham won, he would remain privy to her habit of spending wildly. On the other hand, Mr.. Lincoln would have a hard time to digest the fact that his wife Is a spendthrift If he won the presidency (Adler, 2002). During her childhood years, Mary belonged to the aristocracy of Lexington.Her association with a privileged class increased her love of elaborate and showy attire and accessories. Though she couldn't settle for cheap clothing and would never have dreamt of getting married to a man who was way below her class, she so mehow fell in love with Abraham Lincoln, a poor man who was raised in a log cabin. As soon as Mrs.. Lincoln set foot inside the White House, she became a fashion symbol and was often under scrutiny by Journalists. She was mostly criticized over the high costs of her dresses.Some media houses sometimes suggested that the state funds used to buy her dresses would have been used to send aid to American soldiers who were dying in the battlefield. By doing so, her spendthrift nature would have been curbed. Her redecorating of the White House raised many eyebrows including those of her husband. Her extravagance and explicit taste of fashion actually made some European fashion designers emulate her. French Empress Egg ©nine is one of the women who were spotted adorning similar dress designs as Mrs.. Lincoln.Her extravagance was way too much as compared to previous First Ladles and her stay In the White House was a clear indicator of a change in pomp and glamour. Julia Tyler In 1844, John Tyler became the first American president to marry while holding office. He stunned Americans even more by marrying a lady who was thirty years younger than him (Adler, 2002). 21 -year-old Julia Gardener Tyler, another descendant of a wealthy family, however proved to the world that despite her tender age, she had to play near role as First Lady. Much like Mary Todd, Alder describes Julia as an explicit extravagant.The First Lady was seen to preside over functions with a high- spirited attitude. Prior to her entrance in the White House, guests used to be received following procedures laid out by the Van Burn administration. But during her time, he totally changed the reception procedures. She adorned plumes in her hair as she received guests. In addition, her maids wore white dresses which was a new trend as far as observers were concerned. According to her, she made all the alterations to revive the White House in order to please her husband.Using her wit, she believed that Presid ent Tyler would gain a lot of satisfaction by watching people praise his young and vibrant newly wedded wife. Ellen Wilson Not all women who have lived in the White House are full of unprecedented drama. Ellen Saxons Wilson is portrayed by Adler as a calm and composed motherly Oman. Most Americans at that time viewed her as a sweet caring mother. Being a daughter of a church minister, her humble and serene background may have played a major role in developing such a character in her.She is also one of the few women who never saw what the big deal was in staying in the White House. She never showed great enthusiasm in being the wife of the president of the United States of America. However, Lade shows an interesting side of Ellen. Having known each other since they were kids, Ellen and Woodrow Wilson did not shy from showing how much they loved and cared for each other. During the course of their romantic relationship, they two are rumored to have exchanged more than 1,000 love lette rs (Adler, 2002). Despite giving it her all in showing romance to her husband, Ellen also had a soft spot for art.Her love of painting saw her put up a studio complete with a skylight erected inside the White House. She continued with her hobby unperturbed even after attending the weddings of her two daughters in a span of six months. Hillary Clinton Being among the most learned First Ladies to ever stay in the White House, Hillary Roadman Clinton made her presence felt in the most convincing way possible. In her ears as an undergrad, she was a member of the National Honor Society. She also honed her leadership skills back then by being a student leader.By the time her husband, Bill Clinton, clinched power, she had already been appointed to the board of Legal Services Corporation by President Jimmy Carter. After President Clinton assumed office, she was given another official role of chairing the Task Force on National Health Care Reform. Despite all these roles, Adler shows how she still tried her best to balance between family, work and service. Conclusion The book does a good Job in giving an insight into the secret lives of America's First Ladies. It also reveals the goings-on that many an American are not familiar with.The book mostly contains anecdotes such as the antics of Mary Todd Lincoln. It also does a fantastic Job in exposing how most of the First Ladies were major spendthrifts who did their best to leave a mark in the White House in terms of pomp and color. An example is Julia Tyler who completely revived the reception procedures whenever foreign personalities paid a visit. His extensive use of lengthy speeches can be commended and criticized as well. An example is the reproduction of Hilary Silicon's address at Wellesley College. The letter sounds interesting at first but becomes dull soon afterwards.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Analysis of Political Theory Essay

There are two political theories that I combined and will implement if I were to be placed as the highest-ranking official of the country. These are the theories of Immanuel Kant and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. I chose to unite the two theories because both of them, as I was reading through its contents, had the biggest impact on me than all the other theories I researched for. The joined theories would build up my ideal state as a leader of the country so that I may be able to take the people to a better state of life, in my innocent opinion as part of this country’s youth. First, allow me to discuss to you Immanuel Kant’s political philosophy. His approach to politics favored classical republicanism. The doctrine of Rechtsstaat is Kant’s biggest contribution in the philosophy of law and politics. According to this doctrine, the power of the state is limited in order to protect citizens from the arbitrary exercise of power. In a Rechtsstaat, the citizens share legally based civil liberties. It is a constitutional state in which the exercise of governmental power is constrained by law. It is often tied with the Anglo-American rule of law. Now, what is the rule of law? It is a legal maxim that suggests that governmental decisions be made by applying known legal principles. Aristotle one quoted, â€Å"Law should govern†. It implies that every citizen is subject to the law. It stands in contrast to the idea that a ruler is above the law, for example by divine right. Going back to Immanuel Kant’s philosophy, he also supported the separation of powers of the executive, legislative and judicative branches of government. The executive and the judicative are bound by law, while the legislative is bound by constitutional principles. Rechtsstaat also requires transparency  of state acts and the requirement of providing a reason for all state acts. The doctrine also demands for a hierarchy of laws and the requirement of clarity and definiteness. Now, the world has indeed seen the applications and implementations of the Rechtsstaat through Russia’s legal system. The  Russian legal system, born out of transformations in the 19th century under the reforms of Emperor  Alexander II, is based primarily upon the German legal tradition. It was from here that Russia borrowed a doctrine of  Rechtsstaat, which literally translates as  legal state. The concept of â€Å"legal state† is a fundamental (but undefined) principle that appears in the very first dispositive provision of Russia’s  post-Communist constitution: â€Å"The Russian Federation – Russia – constitutes a democratic federative legal state with a republican form of governance. † Similarly, the very first dispositive provision of Ukraine’s Constitution declares: â€Å"Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, legal state. † The effort to give meaning to the expression â€Å"legal state† is anything but theoretical. Valery Zorkin, President of the Constitutional Court of Russia, wrote in 2003: Becoming a legal state has long been our ultimate goal, and we have certainly made serious progress in this direction over the past several years. However, no one can say now that we have reached this destination. Such a legal state simply cannot exist without a lawful and just society. Here, as in no other sphere of our life, the state reflects the level of maturity reached by society. Rechtsstaat has also approached Russia’s constitutional economics. The Russian concept of legal state adopted many elements of  constitutional economics. One of the founders of constitutional economics, James M. Buchanan, the 1986 recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science, argues that, in the framework of constitutional government, any governmental intervention and regulation has been based on three assumptions. First, every failure of the  market economy to function smoothly and perfectly can be corrected by governmental intervention. Second, those holding political office and manning the bureaucracies are altruistic upholders of the  public interest, unconcerned with their own personal economic well-being. And, third, changing the responsibilities of government towards more intervention and control will not profoundly and perversely affect the social and economic order. Some Russian researchers are supporting an idea that, in the 21st century, the concept of the legal state has become not only a legal but also an economic concept – at least for Russia and many other transitional and developing countries. Let us now move on to Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s political theory. His most important work is The Social Contract, which outlines the basis for a legitimate political order within a framework of classical republican. The treatise begins with the dramatic opening lines, â€Å"Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains. Those who think themselves the masters of others are indeed greater slaves than they. † Rousseau claimed that the state of nature was a primitive condition without law or morality, which human beings left for the benefits and necessity of cooperation. As society developed, division of labor and private property required the human race to adopt institutions of law. In the degenerate phase of society, man is prone to be in frequent competition with his fellow men while also becoming increasingly dependent on them. This double pressure threatens both his survival and his freedom. According to Rousseau, by joining together into civil society through the social contract and abandoning their claims of natural right, individuals can both preserve themselves and remain free. This is because submission to the authority of the  general will  of the people as a whole guarantees individuals against being subordinated to the wills of others and also ensures that they obey themselves because they are, collectively, the authors of the law. Although Rousseau argues that  sovereignty  (or the power to make the laws) should be in the hands of the people, he also makes a sharp distinction between the sovereign and the  government. The government is composed of magistrates, charged with implementing and enforcing the general will. The â€Å"sovereign† is the rule of law, ideally decided on by  direct democracy  in an assembly. Under a monarchy, however, the real sovereign is still the law. Rousseau was opposed to the idea that the people should exercise sovereignty via a  representative assembly. France could not meet Rousseau’s criterion of an ideal state because it was too big. Much subsequent controversy about Rousseau’s work has hinged on disagreements concerning his claims that citizens constrained to obey the general will are thereby rendered free: The notion of the general will is wholly central to Rousseau’s theory of political legitimacy. †¦ It is, however, an unfortunately obscure and controversial notion. Some commentators see it as no more than the dictatorship of the proletariat or the tyranny of the urban poor (such as may perhaps be seen in the French Revolution). Such was not Rousseau’s meaning. This is clear from the  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Discourse on Political Economy†, where Rousseau emphasizes that the general will exists to protect individuals against the mass, not to require them to be sacrificed to it. He is, of course, sharply aware that men have selfish and sectional interests which will lead them to try to oppress others. It is for this reason that loyalty to the good of all alike must be a supreme (although not exclusive) commitment by everyone, not only if a truly general will is to be heeded but also if it is to be formulated successfully in the first place†. French revolutionaries read the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. This would suggest that his philosophy was one of the proponents that sparked the French Revolution among the commoners. In brief, Rousseau believed in the natural goodness of man; that humans were corrupted by the greed and competition of civilization. He believed in a social utopia, of humans returning to natural harmony, being made free of vices and sharing a natural equality and a general will. These ideas appealed to many people, including some of the people instrumental in the events leading to the French Revolution, such as the oath at the Tennis Court. In a country where a wealthy minority indulged themselves while hundreds of thousands suffered from severe poverty and inflation, people yearned for a basic equality, natural or government ordained. Many felt that if the general will (or the will of the people) was for change, that the current government was expected to make compromises. The First Estate of the French government was against these changes, the Second Estate was to some extent and later cast its lot in with the Third Estate. Later the idea of a utopian government changed to ‘the will of the people’ (although how successful this was carried out can be debated, in both France and the U. S. ) Maximillien Robespierre, who played an important part in the middle to later events in the Revolution and was one of the architects of the Terror, was deeply influenced in his youth by Rousseau’s writings. My report would end at this, since only this stuff is what is asked of us. But if you would ask me, I wouldn’t agree to all things mentioned by the two philosophers. I, of course, would make a few reforms here and there. For example, the abandonment of our natural rights as said in The Social Contract. In the contemporary world, one would want to forget about their natural right for general will. Sure, the idea of general will sounds very convenient, but if you think about it, it’s not worth giving up your natural rights for.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Introduction to Accounting - AAS1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Introduction to Accounting - AAS1 - Essay Example There is a significant relationship exist between revenue and expense. The company incurs expenses to generate revenue so, the matching principle states that all the expenses that were incurred in a period to generate revenue should be subtracted from the revenue of the same period for the purpose of computation of the net income (Nikolai, et al., 2010). Going Concern Concept Going concern is also a key concept accounting that assumes that the company will continue its operation for a foreseeable future. This important assumption is made because the amount of time, the company will continue its business cannot be predicted (Carl, 2011). IAS 1 states that if the company has serious threats to going concern they must be adequately disclosed in the financial statements and if the management concludes that the entity is not going concern the financial statements should not be prepared on going concern assumption. Business Rates In the previous year the company paid total amount of ?9,600 on account of business rates, in the two equal installments of ?4,800 each. Now if the rates for the bills are higher by 5% in the current year, the total amount of the bill will be ?10,080 (9,600*1.05) making it ?5,040 each installment. First installment has already been paid and the second installment is due in December 2012. The business is liable to pay this amount, so it should be recorded as current liability in the balance sheet and an equal amount of expense shall be recorded in the income statement according to the matching principle. Following journal entry will be required to record this transaction on accrual basis; Description Debit Credit Profit & Loss Account 5,040 Rates payable 5,040 Credit Sales If the credit sales are made, the transaction will be recorded on accrual. The business is entitled to record the sales even if the payment will be relieved next year. In case of credit sale following entry is required. Description Debit Credit Account Receivable XXX Revenu e XXX If 120 days credit is allowed there are certain chances that the business will be able to obtain more revenue. However, this is not good for the business to have that extended credit limits. In this situation it is reasonable to offer discounts to the customers to encourage them to make early payments. With this discount policy the company will be able to generate more business as well as there are chances of quick recovery from the customers. Stock Valuation Stock is one of the most valuable assets of the business. Its value is determined with the guidelines provided by IAS 2 Inventories, which prescribes that the inventories should be measures at lower of cost or net realizable value (NRV) (IASB, 2011). In this case the original value of the stock was ?25,000 and due to the flood there was a major damage to it. Now the company believes that it will be able to obtain only ?8,000 from the same stock items. The value of the inventory should be reduced to ?8,000 and a loss of ?1 7,000 should be charged to profit and loss account. Following journal entry shall record the effect of this incident; Description Debit Credit Profit & Loss Account 17,000 Inventories 17,000 Depreciation Depreciation is a method of allocating cost of the tangible long term asset over its useful life. IAS 16 Property, Plant & Equipments requires that every asset should be depreciated over its useful life, so depreciating every asset is essential in order to meet the requirement of the international accounting standards. IAS 16

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Explain the importance of training and the bottom line and how its Essay

Explain the importance of training and the bottom line and how its effect on turnover - Essay Example turnover then this means that the organization has been successful in retaining its employees by giving them better atmosphere and working environment. High turnover of employees negatively influences the organization and the organization is not able to smoothly plan things and manage their operations. Thus, turnover of employees is a critical aspect in the success of the organization (OConnell, & Kung, 2007). Human resource management is responsible for formulating different strategies in managing the human resource and in retaining them. Training is one of the strategies that human resource uses in order to retain the employees (Carraher, 2011). Employees analyze and identify career growth, skill development and several other factors to continue their job with the organization. If employees do not see a bright future with the organization then it is likely that they would switch to an organization that can offer them higher growth and career development. Training is therefore critical in building and developing the skills of employees. Training is an important aspect and function of human resource department and human resource management. Training helps the employees of the organization to learn new things as well as enhance their existing skills (Pencavel, 1972). Training is a sort of investment that the organization makes on the employees and the returns on training are basically the higher productivity, more consistency in the performance of employees, overcoming the issues, problems and weaknesses in the employees of the organization, increases the satisfaction level of employees, reduces the pressure and work of the supervisor and several other benefits. Therefore training has a lot to offer to the employers and the organization. Training is one of the key elements linked to employee satisfaction in a specific firm. There are different aspects that result in retaining of employees and the satisfaction of employee is among one of these factors. Therefore

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The works of Archimedes Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The works of Archimedes - Term Paper Example Codex C, of Byzantine origin in the tenth century, retains the only existing copies of On the Method of Mechanical Theorems, On the Measurement of the Circle, On the Sphere and Cylinder, On Spiral Lines, On the Equilibrium of Planes and his most famous work On Floating Bodies. However, the authors of "Infinite Possibilities: Ten Years of Study of the Archimedes Palimpsest" believe that On the Method of Mechanical Theorems â€Å"†¦is arguably the most significant, as it outlines Archimedes' thinking process for proving mathematical conjectures based upon mechanical analogies† (Easton and Noel 55). On Floating Bodies is the first known work on the science of hydrostatics and Archimedes is generally accepted as the father of that discipline. His bathtub Aha! moment became forever known as Archimedes’ Principle, which is generally stated as, "A body immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced" (Luhr 73). This principle also st ates that there is another force that takes place on the surface of liquids that acts on the floating body and is called buoyancy. â€Å"†¦there is a buoyancy force on a floating object equal to the weight of the displaced liquid" (Potter and Wiggert 26). ... When Archimedes realized that his own body displaced the water in his bath the same way that crown would if immersed, â€Å"He thus was able to measure the volume of the crown, calculate its density, and thereby prove that it was not pure gold—to the misfortune of the dishonest goldsmith† (Marshall Cavendish 385). Density is the mass per unit volume of a substance. Several instruments and methods have been developed from Archimedes original ideas here. This includes measuring the density of the liquid itself. A graduated hydrometer is one such instrument. This is usually made out of a long glass tube that has a scale inside it and a weighted bulb on the end. The liquid to be tested is put into a tall graduated cylinder and the hydrometer is lowered in until it floats freely, and the density, or specific gravity, of the fluid can be seen in the scale. These devises have many applications from testing battery acid, to the level of cream in a container of milk (Marshall Ca vendish). Another is the Mohr-Westphal balance which can measure the weight of a solid object both in air and as well as in a liquid. â€Å"In a typical measurement, the apparent weight of the sinker in air, in water, and in the liquid of interest is measured. The ratio of the apparent change of weight in the—liquid to that in water, when multiplied by the density of water, is the density of the liquid† (Marshall Cavendish 386). A third is the pycnometer, which consists of a vessel that holds a precise amount of a volume of liquid. The volume that It hold is determined by filling it with a liquid of known density, it is then emptied and a solid is placed inside and the weight of the combination is measured. â€Å"From the weight of the liquid that is added, the volume not occupied by the solid

Monday, August 26, 2019

Case memo Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case memo - Term Paper Example This strategy involves further research and development that will help the organization in maintaining a competitive advantage. The strategy entails giving loan and credit facilities to existing retailers that can embrace the use of low cost strategy. Since Benetton has been able to produce and market their products in an efficient way as compared to its competitors, then this strategy is appropriate for the organization. Additionally, their uniqueness and superior value to buyers gives them an advantage. This is evident with their united color scheme, quality of products among other special features of the organization. Opportunities The efficiency of the strategy is the reality that the retailers and licensees seeking support are familiar with the operations of the organization. Therefore, much of the resources will be directed towards giving support to the existing running businesses since they meet organizational goals and objectives. The productivity of employees is sufficient i n meeting customer demands. Furthermore, productivity is sustained due to the efficiency of capital and R&D collaboration. These elements are key measures that facilitate the high increase of profits for the Benetton. The quality of excellence shows that the organization has superior qualities because of their style, features and functions, design, level of service and aesthetic appeal of products. The reliability of the products has enabled consumers realize the value attributed to Benetton’s products. As such, the needs of customers are satisfied and hence, value is attributed to the product by the consumer of the product. Risks Apart from the opportunities, the external and internal risks involved in this strategy are the high level of imitators from competing organizations. This lowers the standards and quality of products produced. However, Benetton still has an advantage because the marketing strategy employed in the advertising of products covers this area. Therefore, the organization needs to ensure that other risks of selling at a lower market price are abolished. Current situation Currently, the organization has over 6000 stores sales and is listed in the stock market. This will mean that the company should engage in activities that are competitive because of high levels of competition. So far, the business is doing well, but needs to put in place measures that will assist it to attain sustainability and still be competitive in the market. The unique products assembled by the organization has enabled them maintain the majority of their customers. Additional support provided to retailers and licensees will enable Benetton to create differentiation and ultimately lead to a competitive advantage, which means higher customer response increases value of the product. For example, in Japan the group shows an increase in the number of stores in operation between 1986 and 1993. The profits and employees working in the organization has increased, which shows that the organization is running at a profit and is maximizing on the number of outlets available in order to foster values of products among consumers in a market niche. Recommendations In this instance, by providing additional support to the existing licensees or retailers strategy best suits the needs of Benetton because it matches with their goals and objectives. The input and output

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Critical Assessment of Two Music Reviews about 1 CD Term Paper

Critical Assessment of Two Music Reviews about 1 CD - Term Paper Example In her review, Feller recognized ‘The Pursuit’ under an aesthetic criteria based on how Jamie Cullum was able to improvise with the chosen original compositions and her critique feels that Cullum made his own version direct a totally unique course so the music, as in Cole Porter’s ‘Just One of Those Things’ comes out familiar yet strangely phenomenal. The article reflects a cheerful acknowledgment of the ways pop, Broadway, R&B, hip hop, club jams, and classics become ingredients that dish up the album in the fashion Jamie would prefer to give shape to his own rendition of a few covers whose chief elements have not neglected to show their origins even as Cullum placed them on his special diversion (Feller). As such, Feller acclaims ‘I’m All Over It’ which to her sounds both heavy and energetic with piano and drums respectively, so much so that the sad content of the lyrics overpowers and brings a notice less significant than instrument work. According to her, this establishes a good introduction of the musician’s profile and personal selection while ‘Wheels’ was made for the audience to be insightful about the apocalypse in which the abrupt pacing with the piano play makes the lyrical turn highly volatile to affect a listener’s mood with progressive wildness. ‘You and Me are Gone’ in the same manner passed the reviewer’s scrutiny as she takes delight in sounds that pull off the swing in the typical 1940s setting and dance attitude at the time. There even is a point when a jazz waltz by tradition melts with songs that are rather expected to comprise the atmosphere in a chill out lounge. More uplifting remarks are given to ‘Mixtape’ which is a track that’s presumably competent of implying to the audience what ‘The Portrait’ is made of, as in the touch of an inner impression such album ought to be planned by the composer. Within pop tune, Sally’s assessment speaks of a collection that

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Systems and Operations Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Systems and Operations Management - Assignment Example The solution provided by the combination of a supply chain management system and enterprise resource planning solution will provide the framework that will support Atokowa in terms of its demand for data, information and knowledge. Corporate ambidexterity will enable Atokowa to respond to the current challenges and the demands of the future while protecting its bottom line. The same is true for transforming Atokowa into a learning organization. The recommended solutions not only will support an ambidextrous organization it will also provide the necessary infrastructure to a learning organization. The initiatives proposed by George Hargreaves and Hayley Atokowa can be considered the first step towards the right direction in expanding the market and widening the demography of Atokowa. The proposed implementation and integration of an enterprise resource planning solution and supply chain management system will support the initiatives. Creating an ambidextrous and learning organization will create the necessary corporate culture of excellence geared towards continuous improvements. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Background of the Case 4 Business Analysis 4 Issues 5 Pricing Strategy 5 Operating Issues of ASIS 6 Customer Service Operations 6 Custom Print 6 Warehousing 7 Atokowa Supply and Purchasing: 7 Atokowa Brands: 7 Expanding Presence in the Internet 8 Information Technology 8 Conclusion 8 Recommendations 10 Pricing Strategy 10 Operating Issues of ASIS 10 Customer Service Operations 11 Custom Print 11 Warehousing Supply and Purchasing 11 Atokawa Brands 12 Internet Initiatives 12 Atokawa as a Learning and Ambidextrous Organization 13 Change Management 14 Bibliography 15 Background of the Case Atokowa is an Australian company providing office supplies and stationary products catering to business and individual clientele. Founded in 1964 the company now boasts of key presence all over Australia providing one stop shops for stationary and office supplies. When the company was turned over to Jonathan Atokowa, he expanded the business to include several key executives covering specific areas of operation within the company. Jonathan also focused on technology after realizing that this will be the future of the industry. Business Analysis Atokowa business process can best be described as having three revenue streams. The service revenue stream is provided by the Custom Print, the product label stream and the retail outlet revenue stream. Custom Print provide a production chain process that starts with an order from a client, actual production work from Atokowa and then delivery of the manufactured goods. Atokowa labels are conferred to generic products for maximum profit. However, the choice of product is random and there are no real criteria or structure in the choice of product and the quality of product that will be sold under the Atokowa label. A real effort to develop an Atokowa brand and have it Toll Manufactured to ensure quality and consistency should be planned for the future (Henry J. Johansson, 1993). Atokowa retail process includes consignment and actual purchase of items from vendors then selling it at a slightly higher price. Agreements with label owners and manufacturers and distributors do not include actual supply chain plan agreement, purchases and supply are determined by orders from Atokowa for delivery to the warehouse then eventual

Friday, August 23, 2019

Grand Theft Auto's Detrimental Impact toward Gamers Essay

Grand Theft Auto's Detrimental Impact toward Gamers - Essay Example This paper has brought out the fact that incarceration is one of the major consequences for youth and young adults arrested for committing violent crimes. The violent crimes include murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault (Delgado, 2001, p. 3). This, however has not appeased society nor has it abated one's fears of crime and its circumstances, which games such as grand thief auto have contributed to. Much attention has been paid to the propitious drop in the nation's crime rates, and more specifically, the murder rate. An increased rate of incarceration is considered one of the key factors behind this drop, although a number of notable criminologists disagree. Incarceration is one of the major consequences for youth and young adults arrested for committing violent crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault .(Delgado, 2001, p. 3) This decrease however has not appeased society nor has it abated one's fears of crime and its circumstances. Researchers continue to report that crimes are however densely populated in urban communities; and usually consist of black on black crimes. On the other hand, it is imperative that one accept that urban areas are not the only locations where crimes are committed. In fact, there are various types of crimes that continue to occur because of the violence in video games Since the early 1960s, research evidence has been accumulating that suggests that exposure to violence in television, movies, video games, cell phones, and on the Internet increases the risk of violent behavior on the viewer's part, just as growing up in an environment filled with real violence increases the risk of them behaving violently. In the current review this research evidence is critically assessed and the psychological theory that explains why exposure to violence has detrimental effects for both the short and long-term is elaborated. Finally the size of the "media violence effect" is compared with some other well-known threats to society to estimate how important a threat it should be considered (Huesmann). Evidence has shown that researchers examine the correlations between race and crime, as well as the discrimination that occurs when classification of crimes and its perpetrators come into account.(Knepper, 2000, p. 15) There is however not an objective definition of race given. Knepper continues to express that current statistical methods are not accurate nor due they portray the proper picture of current criminals and their circumstances. Knepper questions the idea of whether or not African Americans do in fact show a higher instance of criminality than others do, or are the statistics biased and skewed in nature. He concludes that there are currently four officials races used for classification: White, black, American Indian/Alaskan Native, and Asian and Pacific Islander and two official ethnic groups: Hispanic origin and not of Hispanic origin. This is also shown in the game Grand Thief Auto, which race is related to crime. Furthermore, it has been discussed that when it comes to crime certain racial groups are thought to commit certain crimes. From there, the death penalty is extremely racial because some people feel that individuals that are not of the white race are quickly sentenced to death. Fortunately, this is only a feeling among minority groups due to the fact that they are among the minorities. Statistics show whites are served the

Enterprise ebusiness strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Enterprise ebusiness strategy - Essay Example This will also ensure attendant benefits for the economy. The main impediment to the takeoff of B2B in the today's world is inadequate information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure, as well as shortcomings in physical infrastructure, logistics and trade facilitation. A rapid growth in both e-commerce and Internet use is expected to continue. This applies especially in context to the developing world with low penetration rates. Internet use recorded a growth of 30% in 2001. It should be noted here that one third of all new users belong to the developing world. E-commerce is increasing in these countries at a very slow rate especially in the case of B2B comprising around 95% of all e-commerce. Source: PRESS RELEASE, 18 November 2002. TAD/INF/PR65. GOOD PROSPECTS FOR IT INDUSTRY IN 2003, PREDICTS UNCTAD; Developing world looks to e-business for growth. Asia Pacific Network Information Centre. Official website. Disintermediation is defined as the removal of intermediaries in a supply chain in terms of economics: "cutting out the middleman". companies may now deal with every customer directly like through the Internet instead of using traditional distribution channels having some type of intermediate like a distributor, wholesaler, broker, or agent. Drop in the cost of servicing customers directly is the most important feature. Disintermediation is the result of high market transparency where the buyers are aware of supply prices direct from the manufacturer. Buyers bypass all the middlemen like the wholesalers and retailers in order to buy directly from the manufacturer and thereby paying less money. Buyers can also select to purchase from wholesalers. A B2C intermediary functions as the bridge between buyer and manufacturer. A typical B2C supply chain is composed of four or five entities (in order): Supplier Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer Buyer Source: wikipedia. Disintermediation. Review on an article on backend EC integration All enterprises are lining up into virtual alliances in order to remain competitive in the globalizing markets. Virtual enterprises constitute location-independent association of financial institutions, industrialist and many more aimed towards a shared goal. These networked organizations do integrate their value chain to enhance the customer-perceived added-value while sharing their resources in a more efficient way then ever. The paper by Ralf Reussner is entitled as Enhanced Component Interfaces to Support Dynamic Adaption and Extension. A new interface model for software components is presented in this paper that not only specifies static information but also semantic applicability information in order to ensure non-conflicting run-time behavior and to facilitate component adaptation. The paper by Niels Christian Jul compares two E-Commerce servers, IBM's NetCommerce and Microsoft's Site Server Commerce based on a B2B case study. It emphasizes on the integration of the servers

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Woman vs Society Essay Example for Free

Woman vs Society Essay The idea of the individual is ingrained in modern society, where oppression, at any angle, seems foreign and is looked down upon. In contrast, the female characters in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, Toni Morrison’s Sula, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, are portrayed fighting against the â€Å"man’s world†, an atmosphere present in our country not too long ago. Edna, Jane, and Sula all reject the parameters put upon them by society and attempt to remain separate from it ,yet vary in degree of success due to their preparedness. The needs of individuals take precedence over society’s expectations when they are oppressed; but,if not prepared for the consequences of being outcasted by society, they will inevitably fail. Edna is the least successful among the three women, simply because she was not prepared for her choice of lifestyle. Enda was raised in Kentucky as a Presbyterian, and moved down to the Grand Isle later on. â€Å"Though she had married a Creole,[she] was not thoroughly at home with the Creoles†(Chopin, 12) As such, she is innately opposed to their alien lifestyle. Edna is not confined, but she longs to be separate, distinguished from them: an individual. She recognizes the importance of her identity in saying, â€Å" I would give up the unessential I would give my life for my children; but I wouldn’t give myself† (Chopin, 64). Though her aims were clear, Edna remains chained to society, just by having a husband and children. Edna still attempts to have an affair with Robert, effectively breaking the trust and expectations of everyone around her, yet she cannot fulfill her goal, as even Robert pushes her away for that very reason. It is impossible for her to be independent because of her upbringing. Edna longs to emulate Mademoiselle Reisz, who has reached the pinnacle of independance and freely expresses herself through the piano. The factor which differentiates Reisz from Edna is that she has left society behind, along with the option of family, whereas Edna is held back by that very thing. She sees her own children as â€Å" antagonists who had overpowered and sought to drag her into the soul’s slavery for the rest of her days. But she knew of a way to elude them. †(Chopin, 151). This took the form of Edna’s suicide, resulting in not her escape from oppression, but rather signifying her defeat, acknowledging her inability to overcome society’s grasp on her. Edna was prevented from actively rebelling against society, because her pre-existing commitments prevented her from doing so. In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, Jane Doe, though confined by her husband, is able to fight for herself to assume some degree of independence. As treatment for her depression, she is put to bedrest by her physician-husband, and comes to terms with the limitation set around her. This limitation is the assumed position of authority that a man is expected to have over a woman, especially his spouse. She says, â€Å"I sometimes fancy that in my condition if I had less opposition and more society and stimulus—but John says the very worst thing I can do is think about my condition, and I confess it always makes me feel bad. So I will let it alone and talk about the house. † (Gilman, 1) Jane has already internalized her husband’s authority into her own mind, even interrupting her train of thought to his instruction. She seems to walk in line with what he is telling her to do at the end, but her own rebellious nature seeps out, marking a descent into madness. These repressed feelings are projected onto her obsession with the wallpaper, where a portrait of Jane’s mind is shown. It is ultimately John’s disregarding of his wife, the hierarchy of the household, that is responsible for Jane’s mental breakdown. He vetoes her smallest wishes, such as when he refuses to switch bedrooms so as not to overindulge her â€Å"fancies. † The barrier of understanding leaves Jane no outlet for her to freely express herself. Thus, she writes. But she does this in secret, saying, â€Å"There comes John, I must put this away- he hates to have me write a word. † (Gilman, 2) Jane is actively disobeying her â€Å"authority†, but in hiding it from him she is still limited by John’s expectations of her, which is her weakness. Without him, she would be free as an individual, but John is her pre-existing conditions that holds her back. Jane likens the rest of the women in the world to her own struggle with John. â€Å"There are so many of those creeping women, and they creep so fast. I wonder if they all come out of that wall-paper as I did? (Gilman, 5) Jane clearly resisted in her situation, and she is specific about the women who she thinks have had to break out of the same resistant cage that she had to. They seem so independent, so much freer than her, and after finally escaping that cage, she feels she can relate her situation to theirs. However, Jane’s struggle has driven her ne arly to insanity, and is now unable to be the individual that she strove to be in the beginning. In recognizing the barrier to her individuality, Jane is able to actively rebel against the constructs set by society against women, but at the same time she submits because of her commitment to John. Putting herself in that position causes her to lose herself as a whole, making all of her struggle in vain. Sula differs from both Edna and Jane in that she defies her place in society at a young age and becomes a model individual. When she was a child, Sula lived in a chaotic household, preferring the quiet one of Nel. Sula is not often characterized as the calm individual, but she is described as being able to â€Å"sit on [Helenes] red-velvet sofa for ten to twenty minutes at a time – still as dawn (Morrison, 29). It is very easy to forget this Sula as the narrative progresses, but this passage shows Sula’s search for identity. She is shaping her self into who she wants to be, marking a contradiction of craving the order that she does not have in her home. This state does not last indefinitely; there is a corner point where she changes into her defiant self. As she recalls from her deathbed, â€Å"The one time she tried to protect Nel, she had cut off her own fingertip and earned not Nels gratitude but her disgust. From then on she had let her emotions dictate her behavior. † (Morrison, 140). To her, this was logical and rational, but receives the complete opposite reaction from what she had hoped for. This is a defining point in her life, which is responsible for the disruption she causes in all of the people who interact with her. Sula returns to the Bottom as an adult, characterized not so much as a person, than as a force of nature. She has accepted the consequence of alienation and rejection The repressive nature of society still confronts her. Eva berates Sula for not marrying or having children, but in response, she states, I dont want to make somebody else. I want to make myself†(Morrison, 92). As a women, she is expected of these things, but it is clear that Sula desires to control her identity. She recognizes that any person or thing that compromises her self-determination will limit her from being an individual, by being bound to society’s standards. Yet even Sula falls prey to to this trap, in her relationship with Ajax. â€Å"There was the morning when she actually wondered if Ajax would come by that day. † (Morrison, 131) Through their encounters, Sula was always cautious to keep him under her control, but that morning reveals an emotional attachment to him, however small. This minor detail turns out to be the beginning of her slow death as an individual- this is to be expected-after a life of such detachment from repressive society, the smallest disturbance would amplify itself to ruin her. Only those who are completely isolated from society are able to withstand its parasitic effect on the individual, but Sula, though prepared for the isolation, is caught off guard, and suffers for it. Women in the times of these books are set under strict guidelines by society, and they all recognize it, and attempt to free themselves by seeking their individual self. Edna, Jane, And Sula vary in degree of success, a product of their upbringing, and their ability or inability to accept the consequences of being an individual. Through these oppressed female characters, we see the various outcome of the sacrifice required for independance, but their ties to society bring them down. Is it ever possible to be a distinct individual in any society? Even Sula, who goes to such extremes, fails. How much more do modern people need to strive for this characteristic? Today’s western thinking has encouraged the idea, but perhaps â€Å"their individual† is not truly as free as it claims to be.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Mechanisms of Viral Transmission

Mechanisms of Viral Transmission Most of the new viral diseases that enter the human population are enzootic viruses that have changed their hosts. These enzootic viruses tend to have a severe effect in humans. A viral disease emerges in a population through a series of steps the initial infection, the spillover, and lastly the host to host transfer. These steps are further aided or prevented by the virulence factors present in the virus versus the host or human whichever the case susceptibility. It is important to determine the source of these viruses and whether it was via an enzootic or epizootic virus. The barriers that the virus faces when trying to infect a new host are just as important as the role that the environment plays in the viruss transmissibility. There are many factors to consider when looking at viruses how viruses change hosts. New viruses can emerge in a population through contact with an alternative host. Until recently the probability of a virus changing hosts was limited by the restricted contact between the initial host and the alternative host. An increase in contact can be accomplished by introducing the host animal to domestication or any other arena that would serve to increase the likelihood of human contact. Primates that have been infected with simian immunodeficiency virus in Africa were separated from areas of high human populations which in turn significantly limited the chances of the virus changing hosts and infecting humans. The chances of viral contact can also be increased by changes in social and sexual behavior, increased travel, hygiene practices and the increased density of the population that work in favor of the virus and increase the chances of infection in an alternative human host. The significance of initial host to alternative host contact can be examined through the instance in Africa where primates infected with simian immunodeficiency virus in Africa were removed from areas of high human populations and in turn significantly reduced the number of the host changes from primate to humans. The removal of the infected animal from direct human contact does not prevent transmission though intermediate hosts. In Malaysia fruit bats are the reservoirs for the virus nipah and with the large number fruit orchards near pig farms the incidence of contact between the virus and the pig is greatly increased. When it comes to a viruss ability to infect a new host there are new barriers that the virus must learn to penetrate. An important part of a viruss ability to infect new hosts is its ability to infect that hosts cells. In humans the viruss can have trouble entering the host via due to factors that fight off viral infections or something as simple as the surface of human skin can pose as a barrier for entry into an alternative host. When galactosyl producing virions which are not normally found in humans are detected in the body the galactosyl brings about an antibody response that inactivates the virus and prevents its spread. A mechanism of action such as this requires the viruss need to rapidly adapt to bypass the barriers that are set up to prevent viral infection. Even if the relative distance in relation between the initial host and the alternative host of a virus is close the intensity and rate of the contact between the two species is still a factor. When a virus infects a new host that is distantly or closely related to the previous host it does not mean that the host cannot also transfer the virus to more distantly related organism. Integration of a virus into a new host cell is also dependent on the receptor binding that occurs between the virus and host cell. The changes that the virus has to undergo in order to infect the new host cells must coincide with the receptors that are found already on the host cells. A process involving the transfer of the FPV virus to infect canine involved a gain of two mutations that then allowed for it to bind to the canine transferrin receptors. These mutations allowed for the FPV virus to increase its host range successfully gain the ability to infect canines with a new form of the FPV virus CPV. Blockades for the spread of the viral infection once it has infected the new host cells can exist in the form of proteins that prevent the spread of the virus to neighboring cells. The capsid proteins of viruses are stopped at the cytoplasm of the new host cell by TRIM5ÃŽ ± a protein that binds to the capsid of the virus preventing its entry into the host cell. Generalist and specialist viruses are two categories for viruses that can possibly predict and help determine the ranges of hosts that a particular virus can infect; and whether or not a virus is a candidate for host switching. Generalist viruses are expected to have an increased incidence of alternative host shifting while specialist viruses are the opposite and are unable to bypass the barriers in the host cells receptors and other defenses that would require the virus to mutant in order to effectively infect the cell. Most of the specialist cells have trouble making it past the initial infection of the alternative host. Viruses that have a wide range of hosts have a built in advantage already in that they do not have to alter in order to successfully make a change in the types of organism that they can infect. The rate of variation in a virus directly determines the adaptability of a virus into a new host. Viruses that have a high evolving rate are more likely to cross species and cause infection in a new host due to its ability to quickly adapt to the host cell. RNA viruses do not have proofreading mechanisms as well as replication that is error prone and are in that sense much more variable than DNA viruses. DNA viruses are less variable than RNA viruses but some exception exist in that certain single stranded DNA the rate of variation may be similar to that of RNA viruses. A reduction in virus fitness occurs when the virus undergoes mutations that are necessary in order to infect a new host. If the virus is using a intermediate host even more adaptations are required and the virus is further reduced in fitness. The addition of the intermediate hosts help to explain why the influenza A virus infects each of its hosts differently through different mechanisms. In humans for example the infection is found in the lower respiratory tract than in other hosts where it is located in the upper respiratory tract. Reassortments and recombinants aid in a virus adaptability to a new host cell by making a number of genetic changes in a shorter amount of time. The CoV virus of the bat in recombination with another virus was able to make a new virus SARS that can infect humans and other hosts. The intermediate virus is a form of the virus that infects the intermediate host. This virus is the least stable form of the virus. The lower fitted virus loses some of the capability to infect previous parental host types efficiently in addition to the newer crossover hosts they are trying to infect. This phenomenon could account for the low percentage of viral crossover between species. The article did a good job of following the trend and mechanism with which a virus switches hosts. More investigation should be done in the areas of the initial infection of the virus and how it crosses over. More studies should also be done on the likelihood of a virus from another animal making the host switch to infect humans and how that spread can be predicted and prevented. Further studies should be done on how the viruses that make the jump to a species that is not close in the evolutionary chain to who they normally infect to humans. A broader knowledge of how the virus adapts itself to survive in an organism that is so different from its original host also deserves further investigation. If the topics of interest listed are further studied and developed then the article would have a more focused and concise viewpoint instead of the disorganized and sometimes abandoned thread of thoughts that exist at some points within the article.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Company Law and the Corporate Veil

Company Law and the Corporate Veil Introduction As the day company is formed, it can be said that the company is â€Å"incorporated†. As the company uniqueness is that it provides for effective separation of resources and managements of its resources and it is further compounded on the fact that the owner of the capital can limit his or her liability to the third parties. Therefore the company is recognized as a separate entity and it is treated in its own capacity. In nowadays business companies, it can be seen that companies have both advantages and disadvantages in measuring the limited liability of the shareholders on the basis that the company is liable for its debts and obligations. Therefore, double-edged sword is created which means it has both good and bad elements. In this assignment, details about the doctrine of separate legal entity will be analyzed. Also statements of features of company as separate legal entity and circumstances the veil of incorporation will be lifted will be analyzed with reference to some cases. Doctrine of separate legal entity In company law of Malaysia, a company is treated as a separate legal entity from its members constituted in it which is its shareholders and directors. This is the doctrine of separate legal principle. The company is a different separate body from its member. Thus, the members of the company are not liable for the company debts. For instance, when a company turn into a contract, the company itself will personally liable for the contract rather than the shareholders and the directors. Therefore, a company is a corporate body. A corporation is an artificial legal person that exists independently of the individuals who at any given time are the members of the corporate body. This principle was established by the House of Lords in Salomon v Salomon Co Ltd[1]. The rule of Agency An agency is a relationship where one person consents or is deemed to have consented that the other person should act on its behalf so as to affect its relations with third parties. Features of Separate Legal Entity At the time the company is incorporated, it is a separate legal person, it brings forth some effect which can be the features of it. Under section 16(5) of the Companies Act 1965 states that, once a company had been incorporated, the company had all the ability as an incorporated company. For instances, it is means that the company can enjoys its right and function as a legal person. Company that incorporated is a legal personality that is created and recognized by the law as stated by Salleh Abbas F.J in Tan Lai v Mohamed bin Mahmud. When a company register under Companies Act, it becomes vested with corporate personality which is an independent legal person and separate from its members. For instance, the company is a legal person. In Salomon v. Salomon Co. Ltd. (1987)[2], unsecured creditors claimed that the company never had an existence of independent although it was incorporated. They claimed that it was Salomon himself trading under another name, but the House of Lords held Salomon Co. Ltd. must be regarded as an independent person from Salomon. This is because of the fact that the company was not role as an agent for the member. Thus, Salomon and the others are mere subscribers of the company although he owned all the issued shares. Hence, Salomon could enforce its rights against the company as a secured creditor. Furthermore, the company also has the ability to sue and be sued in its own name. Therefore, a company can make legal action to enforce its right. It was established in the case Foss v Harbottle[3] where action brought by the members of the company made an injury complain towards the company and it was fail. Therefore the member could not take action on behalf of the company. Besides, a company has perpetual succession which means members may join and leave, but the company will continue go on. When a company become incorporation, it will continue operate until it is dissolved according to the Companies Act 1965. Under the case of Re Noel Tedman Holdings Pty Ltd[4], the court allowed the representative personal of the deceased to appoint the directors of the company so that the directors could allow the transfer of the shares to child. This proves that although the shareholders had leave but the company is still exiting and continue go on. Other than that, a company also has ability to own property on its own name. According to section 16(5) a company has power given to own personal land and other types of property. While company is separate legal person from its member, the member has no legal right and interest with the property and it is belongs to company. In case Macaura v Northern Assurance Co. Ltd[5], Macaura owned a tree plantation which was covered by an insurance policy. Later he sold the plantation to a company which he was the only shareholder. After the sale, Macaura continued to insure the plantation in his own name. A fire broke out and the plantation was destroyed. Macaura then attempted to claim on the insurance policy but the insurance company refused to pay. The issue was whether Macaura had an insurable interest at the time of the loss. It was help that the insurance company was right in not paying. The plantation company was a legal entity in its own right, separate from its shareholders. Other than that, in a corporate body, the shareholders of the company can enjoy limited liability. While a company is a separate legal entity, the shareholders are not liable for the debts and the liability is limited by shares. Therefore, creditors have no rights to take any legal action against the shareholders. In case Ye Yut Een 1978[6], the director of the company is not liable for the company’s debt. It is the company who had not complied with the procedures related to the retrenchment benefits. Lifting The Veil of Incorporation Although the company has privilege as separate legal entity, it must not be used for any unlawful or illegal business purposes, in case a fraudulent or dishonest use is made of the legal entity, the concerned individuals will not be allowed to take the shelter of the corporate personality. The court will disregard the corporate veil to see the real persons behind it. Generally, the law will not go behind this veil of incorporation to look at the membership of the company. But the courts will ‘lift the corporate veil’ in some exceptional cases. Salomon v Salomon Co Ltd case have decided that the members of the company are not liable for any contract that contracted by the company. This will cause they may have a chance hiding behind the veil to defraud the creditors and other parties that contracted with the company. The court will pierce the corporate veil by applying the principle known as ‘piercing the corporate veil’. When there is no entity separate from members, the court will pierce the corporate veil and take action. After that the court will make the company and its members liable for any breach of contract. The veil of incorporation can be lifted in according to situation provided under statutory provision and by judicial interpretation under the common law. For instance, section 36, Companies Act 1965 states that if the number of members of a company is reduced to below two and its carries on business more than six months, the person who is a member of the company during the time that is so carries on business after those six months, and is aware of it, the person is personally liable for all the debts that the company contracted after those six month and he may be sued therefor. According to the section 304(2), Companies Act 1965, together with the section 303(3), provide that an officers who knowingly contract a debts on behalf of the company. It means borrow money and knowing that that the company is most likely unable to pay the debt is guilty of an offence and on conviction be made personally liable to pay that debt. Under section 304(1), Companies Act 1965 provides that when a company’s intention is to purposely defraud its creditors, the veil of incorporation is lifted. In the course of the winding up of a company or in any proceedings against a company it appears to the court when hearing the application of the liquidator or any creditor or contributory of the company that any business of the company has been carried on with intent to defraud creditors of the company or creditors of any other person or for any fraudulent purpose, the court may hold any persons who were knowingly parties to the fraud personally responsible for all or any of the debts or other liabilities of the company as the court directs. Under section 365(2), Companies Act 1965 provides that any payment of dividend not from profit is prohibited. Any payment made of dividends to shareholders is personally liable by the director towards the creditors of the company when there are no profits available. There are also situations where the court thinks it is appropriate and it will lift the veil of incorporation at common law. The situation whereby the veil of incorporation is lifted where the company is acting as agent or partner of the controlling or parent company. Group of the companies the problems can be complex. Subsidiary own and fund money of a business has been held to do so as agent for the holding and parent company. So, holding and parent company actually operating business. This is applied in case Smith, Stone and Knight Ltd v Birmingham Corporation (1939)[7]. Besides, the veil of incorporation will be lifted when there is a group of companies, including holding and subsidiary company, the court can lift the veil and treat a company and its subsidiary as one economic unit. In case DHN food Distributors Ltd v Tower Hamlets London Borough Concil[8], subsidiary company owns a piece of land while the DHN which is parent company operated the business on the land. The local authority purchases the said land. The DHN claimed compensation for disruption. The local authority refused to pay the compensation on the grounds that the land did not belong to DHN. The court lifted the veil of establish that DHN is connected with the subsidiary company as treated as one economic unit, they did suffer a loss as a result of acquisition from the local authority and allowed to claim the compensation. At last, lifting the corporate veil can also assist in the prevention of fraud. In case Aspatra Sdn Bhd Ors v Bumiputra Bank Malaysia Berhad (BBMB)[9], Lorrain Osman, one of the director of Aspatra Sdn Bhd, was once a director of Bumiputra Bank Malaysia Berhad, must account for the secret profit he made in breach the fiduciary duty. To avoid detection Lorrain Osman had channeled the monies which is the secret profit he make into several companies that he controlled, one is the Aspatra Sdn Bhd. BBMB feared that the money Lorrain Osman took would leave Malaysia and applied for an injunction. The veil lifted to reveal that the assets of Aspatra Sdn Bhd belong to the Lorrain Osman and the injunction was accepted. Conclusion In conclusion, it clearly stated that the doctrine of separate legal entity have created double-edged swords to the shareholders of the company. Although it brings many features to the shareholders but it also have drawback towards the company itself and creditors in some situation. Hence, there will be some defects of incorporation. However, lifting the veil of incorporation by the court will reduce the defects of incorporation. [1] SALOMON v SALOMON CO LTD [1897] A.C. 22, House of Lords [2] SALOMON v SALOMON CO LTD [1897] A.C. 22, House of Lords [3] Foss v Harbottle(1843) 67 ER 189 [4] Re Noel Tedman Holdings Pty Ltd. (1967) QdR 561 [5] Macaura v Northern Assurance Co Ltd[1925] AC 619 [6] Yee Yut Ee(978)2 MLJ 142 [7] Smith, Stone Knight Ltd v Birmingham Corp[1939] 4 All ER 116 [8] DHN Food Distributors Ltd v Tower Hamlets London Borough Council[1976] 1 WLR 852 [9] Aspatra Sdn Bhd v Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Bhd (1988) 1 MLJ 97

Monday, August 19, 2019

We Must Reform Teacher Tenure Essay -- How Not to Reform Teacher Tenur

Teacher tenure is life-long job protection for teachers who have been employed as a teacher for one or more years depending on the state. The purpose of teacher tenure is to protect teachers from being fired for political or personal reasons. It also prevents school districts from eliminating experienced teachers in favor of less expensive teachers. The fundamental problem with teacher tenure is that it is given to a teacher after only one year on the job and requires little to no additional effort. The increased job security breeds complacency in many teachers who are teaching only to collect a paycheck. There is a need for teacher tenure but the program must be drastically reformed. What is Tenure? Tenure is a policy that basically gives teachers a lifetime contract. It prevents teachers from being fired for something small all the way up to severe misconduct or incompetence. . Tenure began in the early 20th century. It was meant to protect teachers from wrongful termination. In that time race, personal bias, and politics could get even very effective teachers fired. Women were often targeted when they got married or became pregnant. With tenure, even if a school district tries to fire an incompetent teacher or one who is guilty of misconduct it can become very difficult and expensive It also protected teachers whose research or teaching practices might be considered â€Å"out-of-the-box.† The Positive Side of Teacher Tenure Tenure is in place to protect teachers. Many teachers are very dedicated to what they do and go above and beyond what is required regardless of their pay scale; tenure is in place to protect teachers like this. Teachers that have proven that they are in the classroom to make a difference in the life of a... ...1D719E1C22E61225AFDEB326CE13C0_1328848465905&start=1&publicationId=&urn=urn%3Abigchalk%3AUS%3BBCLib%3Bdocument%3B198818676 Garrett, Rose (2010). What is Teacher Tenure? Retrieved from http://www.education.com/magazine/article/what-is-teacher-tenure/ Sawchuk, Stephen (2010). States Strive to Overhaul Teacher Tenure. Retrieved from www.edweek.org Otterman, Sharon (2011). Once Nearly 100%, Teacher Tenure Rate Drops to 58% as Rules Tighten, New York Times, 28 July, 2011. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.southuniversity.libproxy.edmc.edu/docview/879455669/fulltext?accountid=13931 Weisberg, D., Sexton, S., Mulhern, J., Keeling, D., (2007). The Widget Effect. Retrieved from http://widgeteffect.org/downloads/TheWidgetEffect.pdf Wolpert-Gawron, Heather (2009). The Truth about Teacher Tenure. Retrieved from http://www.edutopia.org/teacher-tenure-debate

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Barries are an illusion :: essays research papers

The Actual Illusion â€Å"It calls for the unity of all Frenchmen across class barriers,† claims Raymond Durgnat in his book Jean Renoir, about the film The Grand Illusion (149). It’s a war movie without a single battle scene, where only one soldier is killed, and there’s not one character which could be portrayed as the villain. Just by the death toll, we get the sense that the film is more than about WWI, but how people are different from each other. The story examines soldiers from different classes and nationalities in an effort to show their common humanity despite these divisions. The film begins with pilots de Boieldieu and Marechal deciding to investigate an area to plan a military attack. While on their mission, their plane is shot down by the noble German officer Von Rauffenstein. After celebrating his win, Von Rauffenstein orders his German soldiers to seek the fallen pilots and invite them over for lunch before being sent to a prisoners of war camp. Even though they share different allegiances, the moneyed de Boieldieu inevitably strikes up a friendship with Von Rauffenstein since they hail from the same upper social class unlike his fellow countrymen Marechal; who is just a French middle class worker. A German soldier helps Marechal cut his steak and even sparks up a conversation. The dignified Von Rauffenstein Von Rauffenstein apologizes for the death of one of their men. From the beginning of the movie, social division is displayed by seeing people from the same social class uniting like Marechel did with the German and de Boieldieu with Von Rauffenstein. As aristocratic officers, both men are witnessing the gradual erosion of their inherited privilege and the resulting power shift to the working class and try to stay together. When they arrive at the camp, both Boieldieu and Marechal, are befriended by their fellow countrymen. The prisoners devise a plan that consists of digging a hole through the ground that ends in the gardens on the other side of the wall. They are forced to switch camps before being able to finish their plan. While in the camp, many examples of closed composition as stated by Gollin in his book A Viewer’s Guide to Film â€Å"The world in a closed framed but always seems to some extend self defined and self contained† are used (59). Throughout most scenes the soldiers are filmed either enclosed in a door or window frame which added to the feeling of them being trapped in the POW camp.

Cry The Beloved Country :: Cry the Beloved Country Essays

Cry The Beloved Country      Cry, the beloved country, for the unborn child that is the inheritor of it all. Let him not love the earth to deeply. Let him not be too moved when the birds of his land are singing, nor give to much of his heart to a mountain or a valley. For fear will rob him of all if he lives too much. Yes cry, cry, the beloved country      Cry The Beloved Country by Alan Paton was a magnificent work of art and my words alone would do it an injustice. Its pages echo with the dirge of a battered country that has suffered far too much for far to long. The book takes you to South Africa, where the land itself is the essence of a man. It as if the mountains, soaring high above the clouds, are the high moments in life, and the valleys are those low and suffering times. Next, you will take a journey to a place called Johannesburg. While reading the pages, begin to envision Johannesburg being a polluted, very unkind, and rushed city. The setting is more of a emotional setting than a physical setting. As I stated it takes place in South Africa, 1946. This is a time where racial discrimination is at an all time high. The black community of this land is trying to break free from the white people, but having little success. It is this so called racism that is essential to the setting of the story. Without it, the book would no t have as much of an impact as it does. The story begins, as many great stories have begun, with a solitary man taking a long and dangerous journey to a distant land. The man is an Anglican Zulu priest, Rev. Stephen Kumalo, and the journey is to the white-ran Johannesburg in 1946. Like a weary prophet taking a biblical sojourn to Sodom, Kumalo is seeking out lost members of his family who have left the townships for the lights of the big city. He is looking for his sister Gertrude, who has become a prostitute: and mostly, his son Absalom, who has disappeared into the darkness as surely as the original Absalom of the Old Testament was lost to King David. Once he arrives, the nave Kumalo is immediately robbed, and it isnt until he finds the enigmatic but helpful Father Msimangu that he is able to begin his search, a search that will change his life forever.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Technology Computer Science

This proves that the relation of technology wit h Humanity has countless and often unpredictable outcomes and effects on today's society. The smartened is a prime example of advancement of technology and its in attraction with humans. Cellular devices such as the smartened went from the classic buttons to the more common touchstones. And when people might have began thinking that that was the farthest a phone could be technologically advanced, they were proven wrong again! No w Humans only have the unique and quick option to instead type a text to communicate and array out actions, we now have the unique option to instead use voice guidance.Technology and Humanity: A Positive Side Technology has done nothing but good for the Human race since the beginning Eng of time! Positive effects technology has on society include Education, transportation, H should and Industry, Exchange Of Information, Advertising and Entertainment, Cellular C immunization and countless more. Technology influen ces many other aspects of our lives; d erectly and indirectly. Simply put, technology is almost a necessity in today's society. Where would we be as a people without technology? This question can only b e answered with disaster.Technology gives mankind a sense of direction and guidance an d without it, almost everything we take for granted today, would be a struggle without the gift that t is technology. Complications and problems that would exist without the presence of techno ago could include minimum communications, drastically slower Transportation, Limited Connect actions, Knowledge and even Education! For example, there are key pros of Technology with concerns to Education. Wi the Technology and Education hand in hand, technology further enhances people' s (student's) interests about School in general.For example, being engaged with their less ones by being occupying themselves with virtual field trips and video tutorials. With Technology and Humanity, there are endless positi ve possibilities that AR discovered and developed in everyday life. For example, www. Academia. Deed's article discusses numerous success between the two, â€Å"Technological advancements have show n a substantial growth concerned with each and every field whether it be the communication systems, astronomy, semiconductor devices,automobiles, electronic devices of daily u sage, belletristic vices, building and architectural design techniques or the computers†.The pros may seem endless, however there are cons as well. Advancement in Technology: A Darker Side Where there are upsides to a situation, there are downsides. With Technology , there are without a doubt cons when it comes to their relationship with Humanity. This â€Å"Darker Side† of technology includes major reliance on technology, the abuse of technology, a ND the time consuming effects Of technology. Technology is a wonderful things, and Humans love using it, whether they're c amputees, tablets, phones, and e ven television. However, this can become highly addict eve and cause Humans to be â€Å"too† actively engaged with technology.Due to this, we become so busy and distracts us from spending time with loved ones and even doing everyday cacti pities. Society has developed a major dependence and reliance on Technology. This can cause us to lack patience, and even a willingness to act before we think. For example e, we can become inpatient in slight situations, such as waiting for speedy responses to our Emma ills, texts, and calls. This major dependence on technology can negatively affect us in situations w ere we need patience and even do something ourselves without the use of technology.Weapon Engineering: Technology and Weapon's are one in the same. But many will ask the control reseal question, is it for a good or better worse cause? Believe it is for both. Weapons are useful; even a need in most situations. Womb. Academia. Due state â€Å"Nevertheless, weapon incorrigiblenes s and provides a huge advance. Rive Larry between the countries may also be ascribed to technological advancements, as the country sees compete for the development of new warfare techniques and equipments†. This is a huge plus because weaponry is not only local, for example, a robbery or house invasion. It is worldwide!Etc homology advances weaponry everyday, and they are required in even the biggest of sit cautions such as War. Weapons, on the other hand obviously could be a negative thing. Vow. Aced aim. Due states â€Å"Nevertheless, weapon engineering propels and provides a huge advance CE. Rivalry between the countries may also be ascribed to technological advancements, as the coo entries compete for the development of new warfare techniques and equipments†. This quote high hilts the issue of he possibility Of full on world warfare, all due to the greediness and competition venues of countries too have the latest and strongest weapons.Quite honestly, its only a mat ter of time when they will be used; this should not be a possibility whatsoever. However, this is the problem that weapons/ technology pose on the world today. Artificial Intelligence: What is Artificial Intelligence? According to www. W. Merriment's. Com, is is† 1 : an area of computer science that deals with giving machines the ability to seem like the eye have human intelligence 2: the power of a machine to copy intelligent human behavior†. Believe it or not, there are many reasons to like and dislike Artificial Intelligence.Albert Hubbard once said, â€Å"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary me n. No machine can do the work Of one extraordinary man†. This is true without a do but. Artificial Intelligence is used everyday to the benefit of mankind. With that being said, t here are numerous benefits of Artificial Intelligence. For example, accomplishing tasks without get ting tired. An example of this is getting a specific objective or task completed wi thout taking breaks such as a lunch or coffee break. In summary, Artificial Intelligence can get a job done al most instantly, compare to that of humans alone. The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that m en will begin to think like computers† is a quote stated by Sydney J. Harris. It is quite accurate. Despite the benefits of Artificial Intelligence, there are key disadvantages to it. What if the Artificial Intelligence were to break down? If you were performing a task, such as transfer erring money from one device to another, it could all be gone in an instant. Ironically, just as easy it is to complete a ask with Artificial Intelligence, it IS as easy for an entire task to turn into nothing Eng. Sadly, there are numerous other cons to Artificial Intelligence.There is also the e possibility of losing countless amounts of information. Http:// half-heartedness's. Org further explains, â€Å"In particular cases, because of the malfunction of s pecific parts, artic facial mind can fall short to keep its memory all the files which it must have. This thing can also o occur with humans. Once a person is liable of the keeping of information and collection of data an d fall short to do he job, it is somewhat that is accepted and frequently branded as your mists eke- On the other hand, with artificial mind it is not assumed and this really makes the entire did preference, in the end making it an issue.Artificial intelligence or computer system requires to be s witched off on a daily basis for work maintenance. This could be a restraint to output and office once as well as to the whole interests and benefits of the company in question†. Artificial Intelligent once is truly a Wild Card in its possible outcomes. Medical Technology: Medical Technology, according to NNW. Wisped. Com is â€Å"Medical Technology, which is a proper subset of health technology, encompasses a wide range of healthy are products and is used to diagno se, monitor or treat diseases or medical conditions affecting h unmans†.Medical Technology is a positive side of the relationship between technology and hum Anita. This deals with the improvement of human health, and this is key to society. People will continue to gets, hurt and injured. The field isn't going away anytime soon. Medicine is the Holy Grail of human health, and without it people would not s reeve. Medical Science is extremely beneficial, â€Å"Research in the field of medicine has allowed for the development of many new treatments, drugs, medicines, and solutions that h eave allowed for the dramatic prolegomena of the human lifespan. As stated by www. Academia. De u. Due to the advancement and development of Medical Technology/ Science, human life spans are expanding and people are living longer and happier lives because of it. Nuclear Technology: Nuclear Technology is a very debatable topic. Nuclear weapons, nuclear media cine, and nuclear power are among the m any applications Nuclear Power can be used f or. One of the most controversial being Nuclear Weapons. However, when determining an opinion on this topic, it should be determined from a standpoint of the people as a whole, rather that n individually.A positive aspect of Nuclear Technology includes Nuclear Medicine. Nuclear M educing diagnoses diseases, x rays can identify sensitive parts of the body when identity faying a disease, physicians can perform their operations easier and more responsibly due to Nuclear Medicine. Nuclear Power is another positive for Nuclear Technology. Nuclear Power is c noninsured as another great source of energy, and it is a manageable source of regenerate energy. However, there are numerous downsides to Nuclear Technology. Although N clear Power can be positive, some negatives sometimes outweighs it.Nuclear Pope r produces radiation, which can lead to cancer in Humans and almost everything about N clear Power is expensive. Www. Half-heartedness's. Org s tates that â€Å"Research in the field of medicine has allowed for the development of many new treatments, drugs, medicines, and solutions that have allowed for the dramatic prolegomena of the human lifespan†. Lastly, there is the issue of Nuclear Weapons. When used, Nuclear Weapons are highly dangerous. The RI sky of human life when these weapons are used are great.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Automobile and Toyota Company Essay

1. Toyota has built a huge manufacturing company that can produce millions of cars each year for a wide variety of consumers. Why was it able to grow so much bigger than any other auto manufacturer? The Toyota Company grow so much bigger than any other auto manufacture because of the act according to preference of the customer Market segment. Toyota Company produce large range of subcompacts to luxury and sports vehicles to SUVs, trucks, minivans, and buses. They segment their product according to need of customer. They create their market segment. They produce Scion car that is target the teenage and it becomes famous among the teenage. 2. Has Toyota done the right thing by manufacturing a car brand for everyone? Why or why not? I think Toyota Company done the right thing by manufacturing a car brand for everyone. They manufacture a really great range of exciting new cars which will open people’s eyes and minds. They analyze what a customer need and develop the same feature automobile in the comparable price. They divide their market segment. In the market there are different people with different perception. Toyota prove they produce wide variety of the auto that will use by different types of customer. They try to develop the auto according to the customer perception. They want to satisfy each customer. The price range of the Toyota Company is lies very expensive to inexpensive. Toyota automobile are in the reach of middle class to high class such that the user of the Toyota automobile are very much higher than other automobile company. Toyota understands that each country defines perfection differently. 3. Did Toyota grow too quickly as Toyota suggested? What should the company do over thenext year, 5 years, or 10 years? How can growing companies avoid quality problems in the future? Toyota Company grows too quickly as their suggested. Toyota is integrating its assembly plants around the world into a single giant network. They do customize on the car according to the need of the customer. Toyota’s need to keep their product’s selection and quality superior to their competition. Toyota company are become one of the successful manufacturing company due to  their consistent quality. They have to maintain their performance quality. Whether they customized the car or develop new model according to customer need they need to maintain same core quality all around the world. They need to maintain reliability on automobile. The same superior quality and dependable should be maintaining. The design of the automobile should be unique and while developing new model design car they need to maintain core material as same. They need to customize regular according to the customer. They need to maintain extraordinary look for each model. Such that it will look very distinctive than competitor. They need to produce high quality and high specific design automobile. They need to give services after the purchasing the product and more ever they have to delivery every item in the time. They need to create more value of automobile by giving some of the discount or either by various services. They need to provide e-support for their customer and they need to update their information through the media. As we know people perfection are different according to the geographic area. A great product by itself is not enough so the Toyota need to advertise themselves according to customer perfection at that place. They need to make market strategy differently in different country. The Toyota Company is giving Guaranteed Auto Protection to their customer. They need to keep it up.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Types of spoofing

Chapter 2: Types of Spoofing2.1 Distributed Denial of Service AttackThe IP spoofing is largely used in Distributed denial of service onslaughts ( DDoS ) , in which hackers are concerned with devouring bandwidth and resources by deluging the mark host machine with as many packages as possible in a short span of clip. To efficaciously carry oning the onslaught, hackers spoof beginning IP addresses to do tracing and halting the DDoS every bit hard as possible. Here the aggressor scans internet and identifies the hosts with known exposures and compromise them to put in onslaught plan and so exploits the exposures to derive the root entree. [ 6 ]2.2 Non-blind spoofingThis type of onslaught takes topographic point when the hacker is on the same subnet as the mark that can see sequence and recognition of every package. This type of spoofing is session commandeering and an aggressor can short-circuit any hallmark steps taken topographic point to construct the connexion. This is achieved by p erverting the DataStream of an established connexion, so re-establishing it based on right sequence and acknowledgement Numberss with the onslaught host machine.2.2 Blind spoofingThis type of onslaughts may take topographic point from outside where sequence and acknowledgement Numberss are non approachable. Hackers normally send several packages to the mark host machine in order to try sequence Numberss, which is suited in old yearss. Now a yearss, about every OSs implement random sequence figure coevals for the packages, doing it hard to foretell the sequence figure of packages accurately. If, nevertheless, the sequence figure was compromised, information can be sent to the mark host machine.2.4 Man in the Middle AttackThis onslaught is besides known as connexion oriented highjacking. In this onslaught chiefly the aggressor or the interrupter will assail the legal communicating between two parties and eliminates or modifies the information shared between the two hosts without their cognition. This is how the aggressor will gull a mark host and steal the informations by hammering the original host ‘s individuality. In the TCP communicating desynchronized province is given by connexion oriented highjacking. Desynchronized connexion is that when the package sequence figure varies for the standard package and the expected packet.TCP bed will make up one's mind whether to buffer the package or fling it depending on the existent value of the standard sequence figure. Packages will be discarded or ignored when the two machines are desynchronized. Attacker may shoot spoofed packages with the exact sequence Numberss and alteration or insert messages to the communicating. By remaining on the communicating way between two hosts attacker can modify or alter packages. Making the desynchronized province in the web is the cardinal construct of this onslaught. [ 12 ]2.5 DecisionAssorted types of IP spoofing and its onslaughts are explained in this chapter. Here we have discussed about four types of burlesquing onslaughts like Distributed Denial of Service Attack, Non-blind spoofing, blind burlesquing and Man-in-the-middle onslaught, and besides how these onslaughts can make jobs to destination machines. Various Security demands are discussed in the following chapter.Chapter 3: Security Requirements3.1 Network security demandsThe Internet became the largest public information web, enabling both personal and concern communications worldwide. Day to twenty-four hours the information trafficking is increasing exponentially over the internet universe and besides in the corporate webs. As the engineering is developing the velocity of communicating is increasing via electronic mail ; nomadic workers, telecommuters. Internet is besides used chiefly to link corporate webs to the subdivision offices. As the technolgy developed the use of cyberspace has became more and besides use of different engineerings became more at the same clip security menace besides became more and gave opportunity to more faulties to make at that place things.so the corporations utilizing them should protect and increase the security.The web onslaughts became really serious as they are more effectual for the concerns because they store the of import and sensitive informations, as the personal banking records or the concern and medical studies. If the onslaught is done on such sort of corporates it is really hard to retrieve the doomed informations which besides leads to free the privateness and takes batch of clip to retrieve.The cyberspace would besides be the safest manner to make the concern Despite the dearly-won hazards.For illustration, It is non safe to give the recognition card inside informations to the telemarketer through the phone or even a server in the restaurent this is more hazardous than give the inside informations in the web because security engineering will protect electronic commercialism minutess. The telemarketers and servers may non be that safer or trustworthy because we can non supervise them all the clip. The fright of security jobs could be harmful to concerns as existent security voilates. Due to the misgiving on the cyberspace the fright and the intuition of computing machines still exists.For the administrations that depends on the web will diminish there oppurtunities due to this misgiving. To avoid this security constabularies should be purely taken by the companies and besides instate the precautions that are effective.To protect their clients Organizations should adequately pass on. Companies should take the security stairss to non merely protect there clients from security breaches but besides there employers and the spouses information which are of import for them. Internet, intranet and extranet are used by the employers and the spouses for the efficient and the fast communication.These communicating and the efficiency should be looked after because they are more effectd by the web onslaughts. Attackers do the onslaught straight because this takes the tonss of clip for the employers to retrieve and reconstruct the lost informations and takes much clip even in the web harm control. loss of clip and valuble informations could greatly impact employee effectivity and assurance. The other chief ground for the demand of web security is the Legislation. harmonizing to the serveys conducted by the authorities they came to cognize about the importance of cyberspace for the universes economic position, they besides recognize that the aggressors consequence on the cyber space could besides do the economic harm to the universe. National authoritiess are mounting Torahs to modulate the huge watercourse of electronic information. Companies developed the schemes to procure the day of the month in the safe manner in conformity to set up the ordinances given by government.The companies which does non take security constabularies to protect the information conformity will be voilated and penalized.3.2 System security demandsIn these yearss supplying security had became a tough undertaking for all the bisiness and the different administrations. Security must be provided to the clients and the of import informations to safeguard them from the malicious and nonvoluntary leaks.Information is really of import for every endeavor, it may be the usage records or rational belongings. By the CIOs it became possible to clients, employees and spouses to acquire the informations in fraction of seconds.The cost of money besides became more to make all these things.Ther e are three grounds for which this information may fall in hazard they are ( I ) when the concern procedure interruptions down ( two ) employee mistake ( three ) spreads in security. Hazard is so from client and competitory force per unit areas, regulative and corporate conformity, and the lifting cost promotion of informations leaks Information one of the of import resources of fiscal establishment ‘s. To maintain the trust between the spouses or develop the assurance in the clients it is more of import to supply the good security which will be helpful for the good traveling and the repute of the company. At the same clip reliable information is necessary to treat minutess and comfirm client determinations. A fiscal establishment ‘s net income and capital can be affected if the information leaks to unauthorised companies. Information security is one of of import procedure by which an organisation protects and secures its systems, media, and maintain information of import to its operations. The fiscal establishments have a great duties to protect the states fiscal service infrastucture On a wide criterion. The fiscal security of the client will beside s depends on the security provided to the industry systems and its informations.effective security programs should be taken by the Individual fiscal establishments and their service providersfor their operational complexness.there should be a strong and effectual board to keep and take attention of these security policies in order to protect the company from the security menaces or any other malicious attacks.there should be a regular guidance to the administrations on the security precations they take to supply the companies, so that we can acquire the more effectual consequences and can better the administrations security degree aswell. organisations frequently inaccurately recognize information security as status of controls. As the Security is an on-going procedure in overall security stance the status of a fiscal establishment depends on the index. Other indexs include the power of the establishment to continually measure its stance and react appropriately in the face of quickl y changing menaces, engineerings, and concern conditions. A fiscal establishment establishes and maintains truly effectual information security when it continuously integrates procedures, people, and engineering to palliate hazard in conformity with hazard appraisal and acceptable hazard tolerance degrees. By establishing a security procedure fiscal establishments secure there risks they recognizes hazards, forms a strategy to pull off the hazards, implements the strategy, tests the executing, and proctors the ambiance to pull off the hazards. A fiscal establishment outsources all of their information processing. Examiners use this brochure while measuring the fiscal establishment ‘s hazard direction procedure, including the duties, responsibilities, and occupation of the service beginning for information security and the oversight exercised by the fiscal establishment. [ 3 ]3.3 Information security demandsAn information security scheme is a program to palliate hazards while s taying by with legal, Statutory, internally and contractual developed demands. Typical stairss to constructing a scheme include the definition of control aims, the appraisal and designation of attacks to run into the aims, the choice of controls, prosodies, the constitution of benchmarks and the readying of execution and proving programs. The pick of controls is typically depends on cost comparing of different strategic attacks to minimise the hazard.The cost comparing typically contrasts the costs of different attacks with the possible additions a fiscal establishment could recognize in footings of increased handiness, confidentality or unity of systems and informations. These additions may include reduced fiscal losingss, improved client assurance, regulative conformity and positive audit findings. Any peculiar attack should see the followersPolicies, processs and criterionsTechnology designResource dedicationTesting andTraining.For illustration, an establishment ‘s directio n may be measuring the right strategic attack to the security supervision of activities for an Internet environment. There are two possible attacks identified for rating. The first attack utilizes a combination of web and host detectors with a staffed supervision centre. The 2nd attack consists of every twenty-four hours entree log scrutiny. The first option is judged much more capable of observing an onslaught in clip to cut down any harm to the establishment and its informations, even though at a much more cost. The added cost is wholly appropriate when establishment processing capablenesss and the client informations are exposed to an onslaught, such as in an Internet banking sphere. The 2nd attack may be suited when the primary hazard is reputational harm, such as when the Web site is non connected to other fiscal establishment systems and if the lone information is protected is an information-only Web site.